My Projects

Showcasing my web development projects built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS. These projects demonstrate my skills in building modern, responsive, and feature-rich applications.

A modern and responsive website for a furniture company, built with Next.js, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS. Implemented dynamic project showcase, company information, and custom product catalog. Utilized Framer Motion for smooth animations and optimized performance through lazy loading techniques.

An Airbnb clone built with Next.js, TypeScript, and Prisma with MongoDB. Implemented user authentication, property listings, reservation system, interactive map, favorite listings, and filter search. Utilized server actions, image upload with Cloudinary, and real-time updates using React Server Components.

A modern and responsive personal website using Next.js for server-side rendering and static site generation. Showcases skills, projects, and experience in a visually appealing and user-friendly manner.

An NLP fine-tuning model using BERT pre-trained and SVM for detecting Indonesian hate speech tweets with 86% accuracy. Built with Python for classification and streamlit for the web app.

Custom phone case user-friendly e-commerce ui design

A responsive and user-friendly web application using React and Chakra UI. Leveraged the RAWG API to fetch and display video game data, implementing search functionality and genre filtering. Optimized performance through code-splitting and lazy loading techniques.

A feature-rich blog application using Next.js, React, and Prisma. Implemented user authentication and authorization with Auth.js (NextAuth), seamless image uploads, and a rich text editor. Designed a responsive and intuitive user interface using shadcn and Tailwind CSS.